Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Solution Problem 1 Essays - Litter, Rescue Equipment,

Solution Problem 1 : Part 1: For 1 Litr : Fill the 8 litters drum and pour into 5 litters drum..empty 5 litters...pour remaining 3 into 5 litters.fill 8 litters pour it into 5 litters.6 litters remains in 8 litters drum...empty the 5 litters drum pour the remaining 6 litrs into 5 litters drum 1 liter will remain in 8 liter drum. For 2 Ltr : Fill the 5 liters drum then pour into 8 litters drum..again fill the 5 litters and pour it again in 8 litters will have 2 litters remaining in the 5 litters drum. For 3 Ltr : Fill the 8 liters drum and pour it into 5 liters drum you will get 3 remaining in the 8 liters one. For 4 Ltr : Fill the 5 litters drum and pour into 8 litters drum...again fill 5 litrs and pour into 8 litters...empty the filled 8 liters and pour the remaining 2 litters from 5 litters into 8 litters drum...fill 5 litters again and pour into 8 litters ..fill the 5 litters again and again pour it in 8 litters drum...youll have 4 liters remaining in 5 litters drum. For 6 Ltr : Fill 8 litters and pour it into 5 litters remaining is 3.empty the 5 litters and pour the remaining 3 litters into 5 litters fill the 8 litters drum...pour it into 5 litters can.6 litters will remain behind in the 8 litters drum. For 7 Ltr : Fill the 5 liters drum.pour into 8 llitters drum..again fill the 5 litters and pour it again in 8 litters drum.youll have 2 litters remaning in the 5 litters drum...pour this 2 litters in 8 litters drum fill 5 litters again and pour in 8 litters it will become 7 litters Part 2 : No we cannot because the drum capacities are in odd numbers. We cannot find 2 and 4 litters . So its not possible. Solution Problem 2 : As there are 20 students in the class...there will be 1 handshake between 2 students and that particular student will be excluded after his turn is over otherwise there will be more number of handshakes.According to the equation N/2*(N-2) there will be total 190 handshakes. Solution Problem 3: In the given chessboard following are the number of square 8*8 = 64 7*7 = 49, 6*6 = 36, 5*5 = 25, 4*4 = 16, 3*3 = 9, 2*2 = 4, 1*1 = 1 Total number of square is = 204 Because chess board is 8 by 8 Solution Problem 4 : You basically need N chances for No. of Balls Ranging from [log3.N] i.e 1. Upto 3 Balls - 1 Scale 2. 3 - 9 Balls - 2 Scale 3. 9 -27 Balls- 3 Scale 4 28 -81 Balls- 4 Scale And so on. Solution Problem 5 : We are given 2 eggs. Drop one egg from 10th floor if it breaks it concludes that highest floor lies below 10 or on 10. We can start from the first floor one by one till we find the floor from where the egg breaks. But if the egg dosent break on 10. Drop it from 20. If the egg breaks it means that highest floor lies between 20-11. If it doesnt break drop it from 30...then if it beaks it means the floor is lies between 21-30.. Continue till 100 until we find the highest floor where the egg breaks. Solution Problem 6 : We can divide $277 into 9 bags $1, $2, $4, $8 $16, $32, $64, $128, $22 Minimum number of bags will be 9. Solution Problem 7 : 1st cube: 0 ,1, 2, 3, 4, 5 2nd cube: 0, 1, 2, 6, 7, 8 9 and 6 can be used as for each other Solution Problem 8 : Its given that cook takes out two beans from the pot randomly if one of the bean is black he puts it on the bean pile and drops the other bean (white one) if both are white he discards them both. As the white are in a odd number so the l one that will remain will be the white one. Solution Problem 9 : First we divide 100 people in 50 groups, that made a group of 2 people we asked 100 question, 1 question from each person and the question was who is trustworthy and who is liar, remember he also tell us that the number of trustyworthy is greater then liars. some of these will answer. L

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